Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving, Euacharist and Confirmation

It has been a long week but a good one. To begin at the beginning, our family headed north for Thanksgiving and a week of pampering in Hot Springs Village, AR by Abby's Grandma Ginnie. We had a wonderful week of visiting, relaxing, hiking and feasting. Late yesterday we arrived home after our nine hour drive turned into twelve with traffic and "Dad I have to pee" breaks. The drive while long was nice, as we got a chance to listen to The World is Flat by Thomas Friedman, talked some about the future and stop in and see our good friends and cousins the Casadontes in Austin. Their new home is beautiful. All of this, to finally bring us to Sunday, November 26, 2006 which is quite significant for our family because it is Colette's first birthday.

On top of this excitement it is also Christ the King Sunday (my favorite Sunday in the church calander) and also my confirmation. I am now officially Anglican. I am a bit taken back by the emotions of the confirmation, it clearly means a lot to many of the parents and youth that I work with, but it has also meant more to me than I thought it would. I have long sinced considered myself a Christian, and have preached and given public testimony, but there was something about the celebration of the parish and the committing to the catholic Church, renouncing evil and so on, that was really amazing. The Episcopal Church is in a mess right now, but today it is good say that I am an Episcopalian, an Anglican, and a confirmed world Christian. Please pray for the Anglican church in Uganda. Pray for peace. Pray for the return of our king.

1 comment:

christian said...

it's about time you renounce evil- we've been praying for this day for some time now! but really, glad to hear about your "special" confirmation and look forward to hearing more about it at a later time. do i have to call you something different now? love ya