Saturday, February 16, 2008


I wanted to take just a couple seconds to send a few links your way. One of my good friends, Greg Gilbertson, has begun a series of newsletters that are laugh out loud funny. Jump over to his site and take a look: Greg in the News.

Second, I have a long time friend who consistently challenges and encourages me when we chat named Dave Stolpe. We were actually roommates for a big chunk of one summer at Mont Lawn Camp, and he is an awesome guy, trying to follow Christ with his family in Milwaukee. The really cool news in Dave's world is that after a couple of years of trying, they are finally getting a baby from China! In a few short weeks they are set to fly over and go through the last stages of the process, and come home with Elizabeth. Anyway, check out their site, and if you live in Milwaukee and are in the education field, drop him a line and take him out for breakfast some time: Stolpe's Adoption

Finally, one of my best friends in the whole world happens to be a very good songwriter, and after years of pleading he has finally recorded some of his stuff to be heard by the rest of the world (many, many, thanks to Sarah for your crucial role in making this happen). These are not overly produced recordings, more like once straight through, but they are a joy to listen to. Go check out: Phil's Music
You can thank me later.

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